International Conference
Debris Flows: :
Disasters, Risk, Forecast,
Protection Pyatigorsk, Russia, 22-29
September 2008
Conference papers (no more than 4 pages)
should be prepared using the MS Word template DFA.dot and according to DFA_sample.doñ. Please download
template and sample.
- main text of the paper is separated above by one empty
- margins, spacing, font type and size etc should be in
full accordance with DFA.dot (available at: http://www.df08.narod.ru/DFA.dot) and DFA_sample.doc
(available at http://www.df08.narod.ru/en/DFA_sample.doc);
- heading of the paper, author names, main text, figure
and table captions, reference list are all allocated
specific styles;
- figures should be in black-and-white, inserted into the
- please use MS Equation Editor to insert formulae;
- the pages should not be numbered;
- the total file size should not exceed 2 Mbytes.
Please name your file using the surname and initials of
the first author, e.g. johnson_a_b.doc.
Papers should be sent by e-mail in MS Word format, to the
conference address df08mail.ru.
The papers should be submitted no later than on 15
February 2008.
All papers are considered by the Organising Committee.
Authors will be informed about acceptance of their papers
by 1 April 2008. It is planned to publish the Proceedings
volume prior to the conference.